L’Afrique de l’Ouest
Spending a year in the most remote regions of Burkina Faso and Benin, was one of the most intense experiences I have ever had. Unfortunately, I was not there as a photographer, but on a different mission. I would love to revisit the places I visited then. I often wonder what happened to the people in my pictures?
The man in the first picture was one of the elders of a village near Pama, Burkina Faso. He asked me to take a picture of himself and his grandchild. I said that I would be happy to do so, but unfortunately he would not have any of it because I could not print the picture immediately. He then told me that of course he knew that. But he wanted to be united with his grandchild on this picture forever, whatever I do with the photo later. It was a very intense moment and the most expressive portrait I have made so far.
Each of these pictures tells its own story.